İstanbul Gelisim Vocational School -

Construction Technology

 About make-up exams

About make-up exams

make-up exam; It is a right granted for the courses that students fail at the end of the semester (FF and FD) and conditionally successful (DD and DC), and make-up exams are held for the courses for which the final exam is given every semester.
Our university senate has decided to hold the 2019-2020 academic year spring semester make-up exams via online distance education.
Make-up exams will start on 29.06.2020 at 09.30 and will end on 04.07.2020 at 23.59.
Click to reach IGU Distance Education page
Students with DD and DC letter grades do not have to take the make-up exam. They can optionally take the exam in order to raise their grades. If these students take the make-up exam, the final grade they get from the make-up exam will be valid