İstanbul Gelisim Vocational School -

Computer Programming

 Robotics Experiment with Monkey Mind from Chinese Company

Chinese scientists claim to have developed a brain-computer interface that allows a monkey to control a robotic arm using its mind. The research carried out at Nankai University, was announced in an announcement on May 5, although it is still under peer review.

The researchers argue that this technology could one day help people who cannot use their limbs and be used for medical purposes like other similar technologies. Said technology converts electroencephalogram (EEG) signals into instructions that a monkey can use to control the robotic arm. This technology is inserted using a special receptor into a small opening in the carotid artery that goes directly to the brain’s motor cortex through the sagittal sinus in the skull. In this way, the movement signals in the monkey's mind are transferred to the robotic arm, allowing it to control the arm. Researchers think this technology could be used for medical purposes and help people who cannot use their limbs. To give general information about neuroscience and robotics, which form the basis of these developments; Neuroscience is a branch of science that studies biological systems such as the brain and nervous system. These studies help develop artificial neural networks and artificial intelligence systems used in robotics. On the other hand, robotics is an engineering discipline that deals with designing and manufacturing machines that move, sense, and make decisions. While neuroscience inspires the human-like behavior of robots, robotics is inspired by neuroscience studies and contributes to the development of artificial intelligence systems and robots. Therefore, the relationship between neuroscience and robotics is becoming increasingly important.
