İstanbul Gelisim Vocational School -

Computer Programming

 Precautions to be Taken Against Software Threats on Personal Computers

The security of a computer encompasses protecting personal information, maintaining data privacy, safeguarding financial information, securing company data, and much more.

If a computer contains malware or malicious software, it can steal your information or make transactions on your behalf. Additionally, malicious software can also affect the performance of your computer and even cause it to stop working entirely.
Update: Regularly update software such as operating systems, applications, and antivirus programs. Updates are released to fix software errors and ensure the security of your computer.
Use antivirus software: Install antivirus software on your computer and regularly perform scans. Antivirus software detects and protects against malicious software and viruses, ensuring the security of your computer.
Use strong passwords: Use different and strong passwords for each application and account. Strong passwords make it difficult for malicious individuals to access your accounts.
Avoid spam messages: Do not open emails from unknown sources or click on any links within them. Such messages may contain malicious software.
Use secure websites: Use secure websites to access your bank account or personal information. Secure websites use HTTPS protocol and encrypt your information.
Check operating system settings: Check your operating system settings and enable security settings. For example, you can enable a setting that blocks automatic connection in secure networks.
Back up your data: Regularly back up important data. This is important to prevent data loss that can result from malicious software or computer crashes.
The above measures are some steps that can be taken to ensure the security of your personal computer. However, it is not possible to prevent all threats. Therefore, stay updated on security vulnerabilities and threats and stay current
