İstanbul Gelisim Vocational School -
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 İstanbul Gelisim Vocational School -

 Historical Peninsula Trip with Our Students

A "Historical Peninsula Trip" was held on 22nd December with the Interior Design Program students.

Our Head of the Program, Lecturer Rabia Sevda DEMIRKOL and Lecturer Hülya ALGUR MARSOGLU also participated in the trip organized by Lecturer Dr. Nuran Öztürk
The trip started with Topkapı Palace, which is an important work of the Ottoman Period. The Kitchen, Imperial Council, Privy Chamber of Sacred Relics, Yerevan Kiosk and Baghdad Kiosk sections were visited in Topkapı Palace, which is one of the Classical Period works of the Ottoman Empire. The different period motifs of the palace, which were examined structurally during the tour, were also mentioned. In addition, the students collected different tissue samples from the palace to use in their "Color Knowledge" class studies.
After Topkapı Palace, the trip continued with the Archeology Museum. In the archeology museum, many works from the Archaic Period to the Roman Period and to the Ancient Age sculptures were examined with interest by the students. The last stop of the trip was the Turkish and Islamic Arts Museum.
“Historical Peninsula Trip” was an enjoyable activity held with our first-year students. Despite the cold weather, lots of our students participated, and a trip that consisted of both instructive and entertaining scenes was held.


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