After the tour of the Galataport Project, which covers the coastline of approximately 1.8 km in the Bosphorus as a result of an investment of 1.7 billion dollars and is among the most important touristic ship ports (Cruise), the students visited the Karaköy-Galata region.
During the Karaköy-Galata trip, which was accompanied by students’ presentations, information was given about the Kamondo Family and its stairs, Salt Galata, Ottoman Bank museum, Bankalar Street, Galata Bridge, Tuesday Market held in Karaköy, and Karaköy dock. After the Karaköy-Galata region, the group went to the Balat region and visited the Greek Patriarchal Church of Aya Yorgi, the Church of Sveti Stefan (the Bulgarian Church in Balat), the Greek High School, and the historical streets of Balat.