İstanbul Gelisim Vocational School -
For your satisfaction and complaints   İGÜMER
 İstanbul Gelisim Vocational School -

Occupational Health And Safety

 Warning from the Ministry to 25 Thousand Workplaces

The Ministry of Labor and Social Security sent warning letters to 25 thousand workplaces that did not fulfill their obligations in the field of occupational health and safety, and thank-you letters to 12 thousand workplaces that fulfilled all their obligations.

Projects, inspections, legal regulations, various activities and collaborations carried out by the Ministry in order to improve OHS conditions in workplaces continue. In accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Law No. 6331 published in 2012, many activities such as guiding the employer, organizing OHS trainings, risk assessment studies and health surveillance by the persons assigned to OHS services in the workplaces are carried out for varying service periods depending on the hazard class of the workplace and the number of employees. In the warning letters sent to the workplaces, it is stated that administrative fines from 17 thousand TL to 52 thousand TL can be applied for each month that no occupational safety specialist, workplace doctor or other health personnel are employed.
