İstanbul Gelisim Vocational School -
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 İstanbul Gelisim Vocational School -

Occupational Health And Safety

 Social Responsibility Project for Establishing Technology Classes in Village Schools

Assistant Professor Güfte CANER AKIN, Assistant Professor Aslıhan Güzin SELÇUK and Assistant Professor İsmail Cem AY Within the scope of the social responsibility project initiated by its member; On 07.04.2021, a technology class will be established in Kırklareli Çakıllı Primary School and Kırklareli Skopje Atatürk Secondary School, one of the village schools.

"Ecological, Economic and Social Sustainability" is aimed in the project, which aims to minimize the wastes, transfer the resources to the generations by using the resources efficiently and ensure its continuity in order to leave a healthy and clean environment to the future generations.

Within the scope of the project, 30 computers were renovated and reused by Istanbul Gelişim University, and 15 tablets were donated by collaborating companies. In this way, these devices that do not mediate our needs will be eliminated from being waste and will contribute to the education of our children as the guarantee of our tomorrow.

We hope that this solidarity movement created with the title of "Establishing Technology Classes in Village Schools Social Responsibility Project" will continue and reach more individuals. We inform you that we will share with you the happiness and excitement experienced in setting up the classes in the upcoming days.