İstanbul Gelisim Vocational School -

Occupational Health And Safety

 OHS Awareness Will Be Increased with Mobile Application

"İSGInfo Assist" application was launched to increase awareness about Occupational Health and Safety and to create healthier and safer working environments. The application offered by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security brings many conveniences to users.

According to the data announced by the World Health Organization, while 11 occupational accidents occur every second in the world, nearly 2.5 million people are exposed to occupational diseases or occupational accidents every year. In terms of our country, with the Occupational Health and Safety Law published in 2012, significant decreases were observed in the number of fatal work accidents and occupational diseases. With the application, which was put into use by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security in July last year, it is aimed to raise awareness of occupational health and safety in workplaces.

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