İstanbul Gelisim Vocational School -
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 İstanbul Gelisim Vocational School -

Occupational Health And Safety

 How Is Occupational Disease Detection?

In cases that meet the occupational disease conditions regulated by the Social Insurance and General Health Insurance Law No. 5510, the insured employee in the workplace meets the necessary and sufficient conditions stipulated by the relevant legislation and after catching a work-related disease, proving this situation with a health report to be obtained by authorized health institutions, The condition is recognized as an occupational disease.

In the Regulation on Determination of Rates of Determination of Working Power and Profitability in Occupation, which diseases are work-related diseases and in which cases they will be considered as occupational diseases and occupational diseases have been classified. It is important for the detection of occupational disease to detect occupational diseases, to receive health reports by informing the Labor and Social Security Directorates by the workplace within 3 working days from the moment they are learned, and to direct the employee with a preliminary diagnosis of occupational disease to authorized health providers.

In the said regulation, which jobs are associated with occupational diseases, diseases that cause cancer, liability periods and exposure periods are included. In work-related diseases that meet the exposure time requirement, employees referred to health institutions upon the preliminary diagnosis of occupational physicians are officially approved for the occupational disease in question after the examination of the reports given by the authorized health institutions by the SGK Supreme Health Board. Reports given by Training and Research Hospitals, Occupational Diseases Hospitals and State University Hospitals are valid for evidence of occupational disease, but reports to be received by private hospitals or health institutions not included in this scope are not accepted by the SGK High Health Board.
