İstanbul Gelisim Vocational School -
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 İstanbul Gelisim Vocational School -

Occupational Health And Safety

 Causes of Forest Fires

While 15% of forest fires are generally caused by natural causes, it is known that 85% of fires start from human-induced causes.

Lightning, global warming, chemical reactions, fire-starting plants and animals that spread the fire, and the spread of the fire to other regions are among the natural causes of forest fires. Negligence is one of the main causes of human-induced fires. Causes such as fires caused by fires splattered as a result of burning stubble or garbage, fires caused by fires that are not properly extinguished, fires caused by cigarette butts, the heat of empty shell casings as a result of hunting activities or some explosives used in hunting, and the fires lit by children for play are out of control. are among the reasons. At the same time, the possibility of sabotage is frequently on the agenda in forest fires and constitutes an important cause of fire.

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