Researches conducted in Turkey between 1970 and 2020 were examined and a map of the villages where cancer cases were seen due to asbestos was drawn. It has been determined that approximately 100 thousand people in 400 villages where the majority of Central Anatolia, Eastern and Southeastern Anatolia regions are affected by Asbestos-related diseases.
As a result of the researches made due to the increasing cases of lung cancer in the villages, it was determined that the asbestos substance used in the roofs and plasters of the village houses caused cancer. Hacettepe University Faculty Member Prof. Dr. Researches carried out by many universities in this area since the 1970s were analyzed by Lütfi Kapaklü, and a map of the villages where asbestos-related cancer cases were observed was drawn. As a result of exposure to asbestos, diseases such as lung cancer, pleural cancer, peritoneal cancer, thickening of the pleura, and calcification are seen. Cancer cases are seen as a result of exposure to asbestos for 15-20 years when the symptoms of this disease do not occur with short-term inhalation of asbestos material.