The application dates for the first exam to be held in 2023 for occupational safety specialists, occupational physicians and other health personnel have been announced.
Exam applications will be received electronically through the OHS-CLERK system. It is important for candidates to read the entire announcement in the applications to be made based on the relevant announcement. Candidates who will be notified to ÖSYM by the General Directorate of Occupational Health and Safety after the applications to be made through the system must also apply for the exam in person through ÖSYM.
Candidates Who Will Take the Exam for the First Time
Candidates who will take the exam for the first time by receiving training from authorized educational institutions do not need to make any application through the system. According to the application calendar created by ÖSYM, it is sufficient for the candidates to apply for the exam only.
Candidates Who Will Take the Exam Directly Without Attending the Training
According to the relevant legislation, candidates who will apply for the exam directly without the need for training from authorized educational institutions must complete the application process through the system. The deadline for application is February 12, 2023, 23:59.
Candidates Who Have Attended Previous Exams
Candidates who are in the relevant situation should check the information available in the system without making any application through the system. The names of the candidates who appear as "Application Approved" in the exam applications menu in the system will be reported to ÖSYM. Candidates in this situation do not need to send any documents or create an application.
You can reach the announcement published by the General Directorate of Occupational Health and Safety here.