İstanbul Gelisim Vocational School -


 TOGG Will Install At least 50 Charging Stations in Six Months

Energy Market Regulatory Authority Granted One of TOGG's Stakeholders a Charging Station Network Operator License

Togg Smart and Fast Charging Solutions Industry and Trade Inc., the electric charging station company established by Turkey's Automobile Initiative Group (TOGG), which will appear as a completely electric car, emphasized the need to establish charging stations in the country. For this reason, TOOG was granted a charging network operator license by the Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA). TOGG CEO Gürcan Karakaş stated that a company was established for charging stations. The aforementioned company officially became an operator by obtaining its license. In the next period, stations will be established and TOGG's charging needs will be met. According to the rules, at least 50 charging stations must be installed within the first 6 months.

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