İstanbul Gelisim Vocational School -

Maritime And Port Management

 Turkish Flag 8th in Paris MoU List

Being on the white list in the Paris MoU List means higher standards and prestige for national flags, as well as lower insurance costs for ships, easy and long-term employment and easier trading in Europe.
As a result of the inspections carried out in this context, the Turkish Flag, which was on the black list in 2002, was upgraded to the gray list in 2006 and the white list in 2008. The Turkish Flag, which maintains its current status, ranked 8th among the top 10 states with the most successful performance in the last 3 years. There are 10 Port State Control Regimes (PSCs) with the United States Coast Guard around the world. The Paris MoU is considered to be the most prestigious and widely considered control regime.
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