İstanbul Gelisim Vocational School -


 Technical Visit to İSKİ Büyükçekmece Facilities

Within the scope of Production Facilities Design course in Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU) Gelişim Vocational School (MYO) Machinery Program, a technical trip was organized to Istanbul Water and Sewerage Administration (İSKİ) Büyükçekme Drinking Water Treatment Facilities and Büyükçekmece Advanced Biological Wastewater Treatment Facilities on 18.04.2019. This excursion See. Under the leadership of Enes KALYONCU, the Machine Program was carried out together with the first and second grades.
The students of the program had the opportunity to see the production, design, facility planning, machine maintenance and repair topics covered in the course and the knowledge they learned in the course practically. Istanbul, which fascinates with its historical structure, fascinating atmosphere and hidden beauties, has almost solved this problem today, although it has experienced water shortages from time to time with its increasing population. At Büyükçekmece Potable Water Treatment Plant, which has an average daily increment of 400,000 m3, how the mains water coming to our house is cleaned and what stages it goes through while being cleaned have been examined on site. At the same time, it has been observed that the methods used to remove the biological wastes from the facilities before they are discharged into the sea.
The Machinery Program students, who first started the trip from the Drinking Water Treatment Plants, started by giving pre-physical training to our students, by Ethem DİLLİ, Environmental Engineer of the Drinking Water Treatment Plants Facility. The training started with the flow chart of the treatment plant and information about Büyükçekmece Lake was given. Feeding from the Büyükçekmece Dam Lake Basin, the facility is first sent to the raw water pumping center by passing through coarse and fine screens in order to filter the large solid wastes in the water. Then, the water is gradually dropped down from certain heights in order to add oxygen to the water. At the ventilation outlet, the water is pre-chlorinated and fed to the settling pools by passing through the mixers. It is added to destroy microorganisms in water. Suspended particles in the water in the settling pools pass through the filter sand layer, ensuring that the water is clear and clean. Finally, the water stored in the clean water pumping center is conveyed to the necessary network lines with the help of pumps.
At Büyükçekmece Advanced Biological Wastewater Treatment Facilities, the facility was physically visited with Enes KOLTUK, the Environmental Engineer, and then information about the facility was given. Biological treatment is the process of removing dissolved organic substances in wastewater by decomposing them with bacteriological activities. The wastewater, which is removed without harming the environment, is collected by collectors and tunnels and brought to the facility. These waters are first supplied with oxygen and then passed through different stages to destroy the bacteria and harmful microorganisms in it. After the bacteria are sent to the sludge tanks, the cleaned waste water is sent to the sea with the help of tunnels.
We would like to thank Istanbul Water and Sewerage Administration for hosting the students of the university in its facilities.