The concept of dark energy was first mentioned by the famous physicist Albert Einstein. Dark energy has remained mysterious since it was first introduced.
Researchers hope to unravel this mystery and unlock unknown regions of the universe. As a result of some new research, some predictions have begun to be made that black holes may be the source of dark energy.
Some determinations taken from some galaxies known as dormant claim that black holes grow much larger than expected and show that they are compatible with Einstein's theory.

A team of 17 researchers, led by the University of Hawaii, consisting of world-renowned physicists, made these determinations. The research was published as two different international articles.
Dr. Dave Clements made some important statements about the research. Noting that they have obtained very surprising results, Clements believes that they study how black holes grow over time and that they are perhaps an answer to one of the biggest questions in cosmology.
Dr. Chris Pearson said: "If the theory is correct, then it will revolutionize the whole of cosmology, because we have finally found a solution to the origin of dark energy that has baffled cosmologists and theoretical physicists for more than 20 years." has included such expressions.
In their research, scientists have compared their observations of young galaxies, known as distant galaxies, with local galaxies known as old and dead. As a result of these studies and comparisons, they revealed that today's black holes are approximately 7 to 20 times larger than they were nine billion years ago.
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