İstanbul Gelisim Vocational School -

Graphic Design

  Graphic Design Job Posting

Announced to our interested students:
• Newly graduated from design departments of universities,
 • That can prepare both digital content and newspaper advertisements,
 • Being able to visualize and visualize when the idea is conveyed,
 • Intermediate level of use of Illustrator, Photoshop and Indesign,
 • That will develop creative thinking skills,
 • Gain a designer vision,
 • That can follow design trends and improve yourself,
 • To be able to understand and improve user experiences and aim to create new experiences,
 • To be able to develop innovative solution proposals,
 • To be able to effectively reflect ideas consisting of text, sound and image into the design,
 • We are looking for Designer Graphic Designer Candidates who believe that they will adopt a harmonious and fluent work style with their teammates.
Interested candidates send their portfolio and/or CVs to
Please send them to your e-mail address.