10 December 2021 Friday
Use of the Term “Fresh” on Food Label
Use of the Term “Fresh” for Fruits and Vegetables
The term “fresh” is used for products that are sold to the final consumer within a short time after production or harvest. It is not used in a way such as fresh from the oven, fresh from the garden, fresh from the kitchen etc. The term “fresh” is used to define unprocessed foods. For example, the expression “fresh” is not used on the label of a prepackaged biscuit.
The term “fresh” for fruits and vegetables is used to emphasize that fruits and vegetables have not been processed and to express that they have been harvested recently.
This term cannot be used for processed fruits and vegetables such as frozen, canned, dried, in brine, etc.
Source: Turkish Food Codex - Regulation on Food Labeling and Consumer Information