İstanbul Gelisim Vocational School -


 2018-2019 Academic Year Spring Semester Starts on Monday, February 4th

Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Istanbul Gelisim Vocational School (MYO) Electricity Program Program Head Mr. Instructor See. Erdem ŞANLI's Term Opening Message

Dear Electricity program students, We are experiencing the happiness and excitement of starting the 2018-2019 academic year Spring Semester together. Our 2nd year students, who will graduate from qualified and competent electrical technicians needed by our country, and our 1st year students who are one step closer to graduation, will be more diligent and attentive to your lessons compared to the previous semester in order to achieve their goals of being a helpful, hardworking, respectful and productive individual to their country and nation. We believe that you will work willingly and willingly, and we wish you success and offer you our love.
The Electricity program, which was established in 2016 within the body of Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU), Istanbul Gelişim Vocational School, graduated in 2018, our students who had the opportunity to work in various public and private sectors shared their excitement with us and shared their joy with us, we have already started the excitement of graduating our second graduates this term. and this excitement will continue exponentially every year. The wish of all our students to be employed in the best institutions and to be a useful employee for our country has increased our commitment to our work, and as the nature of our work, we share with them the rapid developments in the field of electricity and energy, which has become a major problem of our country and the world, by closely following the technological developments. and by applying it, it has enabled the development of both theoretical and practical skills. We have always emphasized the idea of ​​developing themselves in this field by telling our students that the need for alternative energy sources is needed more than ever. With this feeling and thought, new projects will be completed thanks to the necessary support and laboratories in line with the new ideas our students will present in the new term. Our hope and faith will always be with young minds and new ideas.
As the academic staff of the Electricity Program, we wish the valuable Academic Professors of Istanbul Gelişim Vocational School to have a healthy and successful 2018-2019 Spring term, and present our love and respect.