İstanbul Gelisim Vocational School -

Computer Technologies

 Windows 11 Will Coming With An Important Feature

Microsoft is preparing to release its new operating system, Windows 11, which will offer users a range of new features.

One of these features is the ability to automatically lock files. The updated system will offer a feature that allows you to protect your private files. With the release of Windows 11 version number 22624.1610, Microsoft will introduce user detection settings and APIs that will provide computer users with more privacy options for relevant sensors. This feature will provide an additional layer of security to prevent others from viewing your files. The feature will automatically lock your files, allowing only you or previously designated individuals to access them. This feature can be particularly useful for individuals who want to enhance the security of their private and sensitive information, such as financial information, medical records, or other private information. To unlock your files, you can use secure identity verification methods such as Windows Hello or a PIN code. This feature will enable users to easily access their private files while also increasing security and preventing others from viewing them. These features of Windows 11 will help users take another step towards protecting their personal information and ensuring its security. This feature is necessary to ensure that users' private information is always safe. It is believed that these features, offered with Windows 11, will provide users with an easy, secure, and seamless experience.
