İstanbul Gelisim Vocational School -

Computer-Aided Design And Animation

 How to Write a Synopsis?

A synopsis is a short summary or story summary format written for film or television projects. You usually present the synopsis to producers, directors, or potential investors to get the gist of the project. Therefore, writing a synopsis is important for promoting your project effectively. Here are some important tips on what a synopsis is and how to write it:

Purpose of Synopsis:

The synopsis aims to attract potential interest and support by outlining the outline of your project. A good synopsis highlights the key elements, characters, themes, and main story of your project. It should be written effectively to grab the reader's attention, communicate the potential of your project, and keep them interested.


Conciseness and Originality:

When writing a synopsis, remember that you have limited space. Usually no more than two A4 pages. Therefore, take care to use concise language. Avoid unnecessary details and focus on the outline of the story. People reading your synopsis should soon realize the potential of your project.


Present Tense:

The synopsis is written in the aorist tense. When telling the story, you must express the events and the actions of the characters as if they are happening right now. This helps present the story in a lively and compelling way.


Plain and Concrete Language:

While writing the synopsis, take care to use plain and concrete language. Avoid unnecessary fancy sentences and keep the narration simple. Use clear and understandable language that will make it easier for the reader to understand the gist of the project.


Main Story and Characters:

The synopsis should highlight your main story and main characters. Clearly state the main events in the project, the motivations, and the goals of the characters. This will help the reader understand the central theme and attractions of your project.


Explaining the Surprises and Result:

The synopsis is a format in which you must describe the surprises and finale of your project. While telling the readers the main points of the story and its development, you should not hide the conclusion. People who want to evaluate the potential of your project want to see what happens at the end of the synopsis.
