İstanbul Gelisim Vocational School -

Computer-Aided Design And Animation

 Computer Technologies Department Students

Informatics Stars was awarded a degree in the 2022 Domestic and National / Original Project Competition. Informatics Stars 2022 is organized by the Istanbul Branch of the Informatics Association of Turkey (TBD), which closely follows the innovations and developments in the field of informatics in our country and leads the spread of the informatics culture, with the theme of "Domestic and National / Original Project Competition".
This year has an important place as it is the 10th year of the Informatics Stars Contest. Instructor See. Websites developed by Computer Programming graduate students Adem Eren, Aleyna Ebru Ulubaş, and Berkay Can Özkaradayı in their 2nd grade within the scope of the Internet Programming course given by Çisem Yaşar ( ) Turkish Informatics Association (TBD) It was awarded a degree in the 10th Informatics Stars 2022 Domestic and National / Original Project Competition organized by the Istanbul Branch.