İstanbul Gelisim Vocational School -
For your satisfaction and complaints   İGÜMER
 İstanbul Gelisim Vocational School -

Civil Aviation Transportation Management (English)

 Midterm exams begin!

Dear students,
Midterm exam dates have been announced to all our students at Obis. When you come to the exam, you must have your identity card, student ID and materials such as pencils and erasers with you. In addition, no student will be able to leave the exam in the first 15 minutes of the exams and no students will be admitted after the first 15 minutes.
Students who do not have a Covid vaccine or have a PCR test will not be admitted to the exam classes. Students with illness will be able to take make-up exams if they receive a report from state hospitals, and reports from family physicians and private hospitals will not be considered valid.
We wish all our students success in their midterm exams.