İstanbul Gelisim Vocational School -
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 İstanbul Gelisim Vocational School -

Civil Aviation Cabin Services (English)

 Turkey's First Aircraft Factory Revitalized

After the establishment of the Turkish Aircraft Society (Turkish Aeronautical Association) in 1925, Tayyare ve Motor Türk A.Ş. (TOMTAŞ) company was established in 1926, and some of the factory's equipment and personnel were brought from Germany. In the factory, parts of the aircraft whose patent belongs to the Junkers company were assembled and some parts were produced directly. The partnership was terminated in 1928 due to some reasons such as the wage difference between the German and Turkish workers working at the factory and the Junkers company's failure to fulfill its obligations arising from the agreement.
After the termination of the partnership, the shares of Junkers were transferred to the Turkish Aircraft Society, and in 1931 TOMTAŞ was reopened under the name of Kayseri Aircraft Factory. This factory, after going through various changes, turned into today's Kayseri Air Supply and Maintenance Center Command.
Today, ASFAT (Military Factory and Shipyard Operation Joint Stock Company), Erciyes Technopark, Turkish Aerospace Industries Inc. (TUSAŞ) and TOMTAŞ Investment Trust, TOMTAŞ Aviation and Technology A.Ş. A company was founded. The main assembly parts such as the fuselage, wings, doors, control surfaces, landing gear, propellers, helicopter rotors, and engine parts will be produced at the company's facilities. The facility to be established will have an annual production capacity of 420 tons and machinery and equipment worth 10 million 207 thousand 500 dollars will be imported for the facility.
TOMTAŞ Aviation and Technology Inc. will be Turkey's first aircraft factory. The company will start operating again in the Merkez Melikgazi district of Kayseri with an investment of approximately 205 million lire to produce aircraft and helicopter parts. When the company goes into operation, 50 people are expected to be employed. In addition to the work related to the facility, studies are also continuing to create the staff to be employed. In this context, for CMM (Coordinate Measurement Machines_Coordinate Measurement Machines) quality control specialist, CNC (Computer Numeric Control_Computer Numeric Control) machine operator, production manager, CAD-CAM (Computer Aided Design_Computer Aided Design, Computer Aided Manufacturing_Computer Aided Manufacturing) engineer, and quality manager positions. Recruitment processes continue.
Several incentives will be provided for the facility, which will be within the scope of "regional-priority investment", including interest support, customs duty exemption, VAT exemption, employer's insurance premium share for 7 years, tax reduction of 80 percent, and an investment contribution rate of 40 percent.