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Civil Aviation Cabin Services (English)

 The Frequency of Turbulences Will Increase

According to the news of The Wall Street Journal, outdoor turbulence events experienced on airplane journeys will increase due to climate change all over the world. This means that jerky flights will increase. Outdoor turbulence occurs in cloudless areas and at high altitudes and is caused by sudden changes in wind speed or direction known as wind shear. It is very difficult to predict that this weather event will happen or to predict during the flight. According to meteorologists, this weather event is a normal part of flying.
Paul D. Williams, professor of atmospheric science at the University of Reading in England, said in a study published in the journal Nature in 2019, that the amount of wind shear has increased by 15% since 1979. Professor Williams reported that at high altitudes where planes fly, temperature patterns change due to climate change, which creates more wind shear. Professor Williams' research also predicted that the amount of open-air turbulence in the atmosphere in the middle of the Northern Hemisphere would more than double over the next thirty to sixty years.
Severe turbulence has been reported in recent months on flights to Honolulu, Tampa and Frankfurt.
According to experts, the best precaution to take is to fasten seat belts and put hot drinks on the floor in case of turbulence. In addition, it is necessary to take or fix materials that can be damaged by hitting them in a closed environment. On the other hand, it was announced by experts that the planes were produced to withstand even the heaviest turbulences.