The transition to electric vehicles in the world continues at full speed. But there is such a country that it is making this transition much faster than all other countries. Norway is a country located in the northernmost part of Europe. One of the country's biggest goals is to make all new vehicles sold electric by 2025. This target is almost impossible to achieve when looking at all the other countries in the world. However, Norway seems to be able to reach its target sooner if it goes at this speed. As the whole world transitions to electric vehicles, one country is way ahead of everyone else: Norway.
In fact, when we look at the latest figures, approximately 90% of new cars sold in Norway are electric cars. About 82% of this 90% of sales are purely electric and the rest is hybrid cars.
These figures were caused by the sales of electric vehicles, which increased by 7.8% in annual sales in the country. So much so that Hyundai has already announced that it will only sell electric cars in the country for 2023.
The data also shows that Tesla Model Y is the best-selling model among the cars sold, just like in the rest of Europe. Tesla Model Y is followed by VW ID.4. The third best-selling model is the German manufacturer BMW's i4.
But when we look at the sales figures, it is seen that all other cars are very close to each other. Tesla Model Y, on the other hand, made a 3-fold difference to its closest competitor.
News details and link:—%20Tesla%20Model%20Y%20Leads,-By&text=Plugin%20electric%20vehicles%20took%2089.3,from%2073.8%25%20to%2081.6%25