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Applied English Translation

 Woman of letters, translator and educator Dr. Monika Carbe passed away.

The woman of letters, translator and educator with her great contributions to the translation of Turkish literary works into German passed away in Frankfurt.

Dr. Carbe, who had worked within the field of adults’ post-school education as an expert in Frankfurt Adult Education Center (Volkhochschul) since the 70’s had a great effort in the development and implementation of educational projects Turkish immigrants. In addition to these respected works of her, Dr. Carbe took her place in the literary world as a writer, translator as well as a critic.

Having started to translate literary works from Turkish to German since the late 80’s, Dr. Carbe also had numerous research articles and criticisms on contemporary Turkish writers and works in newspapers and magazines. Meanwhile, Sait Faik Abasıyanık and Nedim Gürsel are among the authors whose works were translated into German by Dr. Carbe who closely followed and supported the migrant literature that was developed in Germany.