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Applied English Translation

 How first volume of Oxford English Dictionary came into existence

The dictionaries of each language define it in various ways. Dictionary - containing a collection of words organized according to a certain principle and their meaning, usage, origin, translation into another language, etc. It is an informative book about Dictionaries, concepts and objects they refer to, science, culture, etc. It also gives information about figures in any area.
The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) is the main historical dictionary of the English language published by Oxford University Press. The dictionary provides a comprehensive resource for scholars and scholars, tracking the historical development of the English language and explaining the language's use in its many variations around the world. This dictionary is one of the most famous and largest academic dictionaries of the English language.
The 2005 edition contains approximately 301,100 articles (350 million characters). It is also known as the informal colloquial name Murray's Dictionary, named after its first editor-in-chief, James Murray. The first electronic version of the dictionary was published in 1988. The online version has been available since 2000 and has received more than two million monthly visits as of April 2014.
OED is one of those dictionaries that aim to provide a comprehensive and authoritative record of all words and meanings in the English language, from their earliest known origins to the present day. The publication of the first volume of the OED was an important event in the history of lexicography, as it was the first to produce a comprehensive English dictionary. So when was the first volume of the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) published?
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