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 İstanbul Gelisim Vocational School -

Applied English Translation

 Dr. Sevda POLAT Presented a Paper at the İnternational Conference

The lecturer Dr. Sevda POLAT from the department of Applied Russian Translation participated in the online conference "The world of Russian language and culture in the field of information technology" organized by Moscow State University together with the Language Center on 27.05.2022. Scientists from the universities of many countries such as Russia, Turkey, China, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Egypt etc. joined the conference.
As a member of the conference organizing committee, Dr. Sevda POLAT was one of the keynote speakers. She gave information about the "Development of the Russian Language in Turkey" and stated that the Russian language is among the first languages ​​preferred as a foreign language in Turkey.
In the second part of the session, POLAT presented her paper entitled “Словообразование, как метод изучения новой лексики на уроках РКИ: на примере отглагольных существительных (турецкая аудитория)”, “Word formation as a method of learning new words in Russian as a foreign language: in the example of nouns made up of verbs (for Turkish students)”.