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Applied English Translation

 Best Translation Programs and Sites

In the modern world, where the Internet has become an integral part of any person's life, there are many various programs, services, online stores, and other innovations that make life easier for people. For a person trying to overcome the language barrier, online translators become indispensable assistants. They make life easier for foreign language learners. To translate, all you need to do is:
1) Type or paste the text you want,
2) Click the "Translate" button!
The question arises: "Then why do we need translators?", "Why do we learn languages ​​for so many years at school and then at university?", If there is such a miracle invention? The answer is simple: like anything, online translation has its pros and cons.
Advantages of online translators; easy accessibility, convenience, and speed, being free, and universality (no language knowledge required from the user). Disadvantages; Internet access; inaccuracy of translation (especially phraseological units); The main disadvantage of machine translation is its low quality.
Most automatic translation services translate a text word for word without understanding the information and without considering the context. They can convey the general gist of the text, but make lexical and grammatical errors. In some cases, the meaning of a single sentence or even the entire text may be completely distorted after translation. Machine translation cannot take context into account and decide what to do in uncertain situations. It does not contribute to language learning, because the student does not use their thinking processes.
However, nowadays translator sites have developed quite a bit and they are successful in both word and sentence translation. With these tools, it is extremely easy and fast to translate a certain section of a website or the entire site, a document (document), or even a text in a picture (photo) into a language of your choice. So, what are the best translation sites and programs?